Assessment of Sewage Workers’ Exposure to Hazardous Materials in Iraq Sewage Workers Exposure and Hazardous Materials
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sewage hazards, nitric oxide, homocysteine, 8 OHdG, vitamins E A
Sewage workers, who maintain the sewage system and provide an essential service for public health protection, may come in direct contact with sewage hazards which then may induce DNA damage and oxidative stress. The aim of this study
is to assess the level of nitric oxide, homocysteine, 8 OHdG, and vitamin s A & E in the plasma of sewage workers for different periods of exposure.
Nitric oxide, vitamin A, and vitamin E showed a significant reduction in sewage workers when compared with a
non-exposed control group. However, homocysteine and 8 OHdG
levels were increased in sewage workers when compared with the
non-exposed control group.
Sew age workers are exposed to different pathways to a variety of toxicants that cause an increase in homocysteine. Homocysteine, in increased the DNA oxidative damage by increasing the concentration of 8 OHdG and decreasing nitric oxide and vitamins E & A through a decrease in the antioxidant and an increase in oxidative damage.
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