One Year of COVID-19 Infection in Iraq and EMR Countries One Year of COVID-19 Infection in Iraq and EMR Countries

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Omran S Habib
Zahraa Y Essa


Covid 19, corona virus, Iraq, EMRO countries


Background : COVID-19 pandemic affected the world for the last 20 months (January 2020-August 2021. It was troublesome, devestating in terms of cases, deaths and socioeconomic consequences and unpredictable in behaviour.

Objectives : To document comparative profile of the COVID -19 in Iraq and other Eastern Mediterranean Countries in terms of time trend and three epidemiological parameters ( incidence, case fatality and mortality rates).

Methods :  A record-based prospective study. Data were checked daily throughout the study period from February 21, 2020 through February 23, 2021. The targeted numbers were recorded on an excel sheet or word table and updated daily over the specified period. The data covered the period from the onset of the pandemic in various countries. Data included the daily new cases of COVID-19 reported by various government agencies and Ministries of Health in the region supported by two private websites. The multiple sources used assured cross-matching of reported figures and a very high degree of consistency was achieved.  

Results: The annual incidence rate, case fatality ratio and cause specific mortality rate in Iraq were  17,636.8 per million, 1.97% and 347.3 per million in that order.  These three rates were very variable among various Eastern Mediterranean Countries.   

Conclusion : Iraq and other Countries in the region were harshly struck by COVID-19. Extensive variation in the major epidemiological parameters were documented. The pandemic    uncovered major defects in the health care systems and still awaiting a hope to contain this unpredictable event.

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