Outcome of newborns with diabetic mothers

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Thakaa Zaki Ali
Jihad Kadhim Hasan


Diabetes Mellitus, Infants of diabetic mothers, gestational diabetes, neonatal Outcomes, antenatal Care.


Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease that can affect pregnant women; if diabetic mothers are not well controlled, newborns may face higher risks of serious problems during pregnancy and at birth. Methods: This study was a cohort follow-up study that assessed the outcome of infants born to diabetic mothers (IDM). It involved two groups: a study group of 77 IDM (45 males and 32 females) born at Basra maternity and Children Hospital during the set six-month period (January 1 to June 30, 2018) and a control group of 137 infants born to non-diabetic mothers (69 males and 68 females) during the same period. Both groups were followed up to 28 days of life (the neonatal period). Results: The study results showed that the rates of preterm birth, macrosomia, respiratory distress syndrome, and hyperbilirubinemia were significantly higher among IDM (14.3%, 41.6%, 13%, and 10.4%, respectively) than among infants of non-diabetic mothers (5.1%, 5.8%, 0.7%, and 0.7%, respectively), with a p-value of <0.05. Additionally, a p-value rate of congenital malformations among IDM was higher than that among non-diabetic mothers (6.5% vs. 0.7%). The study also revealed that the most common metabolic disorder affecting IDM was hypoglycemia, which affected 40.3%, while neonatal death among IDM was 4%, compared to 0.77% for infants of non-diabetic mothers (causes of death included two due to preterm birth and one due to congenital heart disease). Conclusion: The results of the present study suggest that preterm birth, macrosomia, respiratory distress syndrome, hyperbilirubinemia, and hypoglycemia are significantly associated with diabetes during pregnancy. Hence, family planning, preconception counseling, and special antenatal care are recommended for diabetic mothers to reduce the risk of infant morbidity and mortality.

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