Comparative Study to Evaluate the Effect of Using an Electro-Thermal Bipolar Sealing Device and Conventional Ligation on the Incidence of Post-Renal Transplant Lymphoceles in Recipients The Effect of Using Electro-Thermal Bipolar Sealing on Post Renal Transplant Lymphocele in Recipients

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Safa G. Mezban
Adnan Odhafa Almayyahi
Radhwan T. Mahdi
Mohammed F. Al-Badran
Hasanain M. Al-Khammas
Hayder S. Aledan


Electro- Thermal Bipolar Sealing Device, LigasureTM, Kidney Transplant, Lymphocele.


Background: Lymphocele development is a well-established complication following kidney transplant. Some devices, such as electrothermal bipolar sealing devices, have been found to reduce lymphatic drain following kidney transplantation.

The aim of the study: The purpose of the study is to compare the usage of conventional lymphatic ligation with the electrothermal bipolar sealing device and its influence on the formation of lymphoceles after kidney transplantation surgery.

Patients and methods: A cohort retrospective and prospective study was conducted from May 2015 to November 2020 at the Basrah renal transplantation center in Al-Sader Teaching Hospital, Basrah. One hundred and thirty anonymized patients with end-stage renal diseases were involved in the present study. They were categorized into two groups: group 1 (conventional ligation group) with 70 patients and group 2 (electrothermal bipolar sealing device group) with 60 patients. The groups were compared and matched for possible risk factors. Patients were followed up for six weeks with full laboratory investigation (complet blood count, renal function tests, and liver function tests) and medical and surgical assessments. Statistical package of social siences version 25 was used for the statistical analysis of the data. Confidence intervals of 95% were applied as the dependent interval in statistics, and p-values < 0.05 were considered significant.

Results: The mean age of the patients was parallel for both conventional ligation and electrothermal bipolar sealing device groups (34.69 ± 10.28 vs. 33.68 ± 10.35). The operative time (155.57 ± 17.9 vs. 140.33 ± 17.07), lymphocele development (12 (17.1%) vs. 4 (6.7%)), lymphatic drainage volume (974.57 ± 178.39 vs. 493.83 ± 163.65), and the days of drainage (8.28 ± 3.3 vs. 4.6 ± 1.4) showed statistically significant differences between the conventional ligation technique and the electrothermal bipolar sealing device technique (p < 0.05).

Conclusion: The cautery of bipolar vessels is advantageous when compared to conventional ligation in kidney transplant lymphatic dissection, reducing the risk of lymphocele occurrence, in addition to its feasibility, safety, and easy performance

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