Role of Videolaryngostroboscopy in the diagnosis of dysphonic patients with normal fiberoptic laryngoscopy Role of Videolaryngostroboscopy in the diagnosis of dysphonic patients with normal fiberoptic laryngoscopy

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Sajad Younis Al-Helo
Ahmed Mohammad Al-Safi
Rahma Agab Aljanabi


Stroboscopy, Videolaryngoscopy, Fiberoptic laryngoscopy, Dysphonia


Background: Dysphonia is altered voice quality, pitch, loudness, or vocal effort that impairs people’s quality of life. It is a very common complaint affecting nearly one-third of a population at some point in their life and could be caused by infection, tumor, trauma, vocal cord paralysis, etc.

Indirect mirror or endoscopic laryngoscopy is used to assess the laryngeal condition in dysphonic patients seeking mainly for the cause, but frequently the findings were normal or unremarkable.

Videolaryngoscopy (VLS) is very useful in dysphonic patients who have an otherwise normal indirect or flexible laryngoscopic examination. In addition to providing information regarding vocal fold vibrations, the image obtained through VLS can be magnified to make a more detailed assessment of the vocal cord anatomy than is possible with rigid of flexible laryngoscopy.


Objective of study: To assess the videolaryngostroboscopic findings in dysphonic patients with normal fiber-optic laryngoscopy.

Patient & Method: A cross-sectional study, Fifty patients were included in the study; They had complained of dysphonia, and the fiber-optic laryngoscopic examination was normal. Videostroboscopy were obtained for all patients to assess vocal fold vibration and seek any abnormal findings.

Results: A total of 50 patients were enrolled in this study. Regarding the stroboscopic findings, 42% of the patients were normal, 15 (30%) had early soft singer’s nodules, 6 patients (12%) had intracordal lesions, 4 patients (8%)had vocal cord polypoidal changes, 2 patients (4%) had presbylaryngis, and the other 2 patients (4%) had sulcus vocalis.

Conclusion: VLS is beneficial in detecting vocal cord lesions in patients with normal fiber-optic laryngoscopy. A high proportion (more than half) of dysphonic patients with normal fiber-optic laryngoscopy had abnormal findings.

Keywords: Stroboscopy, Videolaryngoscopy, Fiberoptic laryngoscopy, Dysphonia

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